All-Star starting nods, universal praise for record-setting quarters, repeated acknowledgement as the sweet-shooting sparks behind the best team in the NBA ... these are all fine enough indicators of the degree to which Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have become household names and ascendant NBA stars. The truest signpost of the Splash Brothers' rise, though? They're inspiring fans to shave their likenesses into the backs of their heads now:
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Congratulations, Steph and Klay, on joining the likes of Michael Jordan, James Harden and Matt Bonner as confirmed NBA royalty worthy of follicular fandom. That's how you know you've arrived. (Well, that and when people start getting you tattooed on their bodies, like MJ, Harden ... and, yes, Bonner.)
If you're in the Concord, Calif., area, have been feeling a little shaggy lately and find yourself in the market for a cut that's a bit more adventurous than your standard "little off the top and sides" or "fade with the No. 2 guard," by all means, please hunt down shearsman Anthony Reyes and/or head over to Empire Barber Lounge. Know this, though — just getting a Splash Brothers cut no longer marks you as a true Roaracle-dwelling die-hard. From here on out, we're going to need to see you in a fresh Ognjen Kuzmic cut &madsh; at minimum — to believe your Bay Area bona fides. It's a high bar, I'll grant you, but an organization-and-fanbase-wide need to step your game up is the price of league-leading success.
Hat-tip to Diamond Leung of the Bay Area News Group.
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Dan Devine is an editor for Ball Don't Lie on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!
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